
Methods of Array Class


This article describes Methods of Array Class in C#. Basically, the Array class is contained in the library of the .NET framework and provides functionalities for supporting arrays in C#. In general, the Array class contains methods to create arrays. Moreover, it also provides methods to perform certain operations on arrays.

Creating an Array

In order to create an array using the Array class, we can use its static method CreateInstance(). Basically, this method takes the type of array, and its length as parameters and returns an instance of the corresponding array. However, this method has five more overloads. The following example shows the use of the CreateInstance() method.

Array arr1 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(System.Int32), 6);

Likewise, we can create a 2D array using another overload of the CreateInstance() method as follows. Here we need to specify the size of both dimensions.

Array m1 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(System.Int32), 2, 3);

Assigning Values to an Array and Retrieving Values

In order to assign the value to an array element, we can use the SetValue() method. This method takes the value to be assigned and the corresponding index as its two parameters. The following example shows the use of this method.

arr1.SetValue(23, 0);

Similarly, we can assign a value to an element of a 2D array as follows. Basically, it assigns the value 23 to the 0th element.

m1.SetValue(i + j, i, j);

where i, and j represent the index of the array element. Similarly, we can retrieve an element of an array by using the GetValue() method. The following code shows an example of a 1D as well as a 2D array.

//Retrieving value from a 1D array


//Retrieving value from a 2D array

m1.GetValue(i, j)

// here i, and j represent the index of the element being accessed

Sorting an Array

Further, the Array class contains the Sort() method to sort the elements of the array like the following example shows.

//Sorting Array

Reversing an Array

Similarly, we can reverse the elements of the array like the following example shows.

//Reversing Array

The Complete Program to Demonstrate Methods of Array Class

using System;

namespace ArrayClassDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating an object of the Array class...");
            Array arr1 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(System.Int32), 6);

            arr1.SetValue(23, 0);
            arr1.SetValue(67, 1);
            arr1.SetValue(47, 2);
            arr1.SetValue(98, 3);
            arr1.SetValue(239, 4);
            arr1.SetValue(57, 5);
            Console.WriteLine("1D Array...");
            for(int i=0;i<arr1.Length;i++)
                Console.Write(arr1.GetValue(i)+" ");
            //Sorting Array
            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted 1D Array...");
            for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++)
                Console.Write(arr1.GetValue(i)+" ");

            //Reversing Array
            Console.WriteLine("\nReversed 1D Array...");
            for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++)
                Console.Write(arr1.GetValue(i) + " ");
            // Creating a 2D array
            Array m1 = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(System.Int32), 2, 3);

            for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
                for (int j = 0; j<3;j++)
                    m1.SetValue(i + j, i, j);
            Console.WriteLine("\n2D Array...");
            for(int i = 0; i <= m1.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                for(int j=0;j<=m1.GetUpperBound(1);j++)
                    Console.Write(m1.GetValue(i, j) + " ");



The Output of the Program Demonstrating the Methods of Array Class
The Output of the Program Demonstrating the Methods of Array Class

Further Reading

Selection Sort in C#

Insertion Sort in C#

Bubble Sort in C#

How to Create Instance Variables and Class Variables in Python

Comparing Rows of Two Tables with ADO.NET

Example of Label and Textbox Control in ASP.NET

One Dimensional and Two Dimensuonal Indexers in C#

Private and Static Constructors in C#

Methods of Array Class

Anonymous Functions in C#

Programs to Find Armstrong Numbers in C#

Matrix Multiplication in C#

One Dimensional and Two Dimensional Indexers in C#

Static Class Example in C#

Rotating an Array in C#

Generic IList Interface and its Implementation in C#

Recursive Binary search in C#

C# Practice Questions

Creating Navigation Window Application Using WPF in C#

Find Intersection Using Arrays

An array of Objects and Object Initializer

Performing Set Operations in LINQ

Using Quantifiers in LINQ

Data Binding Using BulletedList Control

Grouping Queries in LINQ

Generic Binary Search in C#

Understanding the Quantifiers in LINQ

Join Operation using LINQ

Deferred Query Execution and Immediate Query Execution in LINQ

Examples of Query Operations using LINQ in C#

An array of Objects and Object Initializer

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) in C#

How Data Binding Works in WPF

Examples of Connected and Disconnected Approach in ADO.NET

New Features in C# 9

IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interfaces

KeyValuePair and its Applications

C# Root Class – Object

Access Modifiers in C#

Learning Properties in C#

Learning All Class Members in C#

Examples of Extension Methods in C#

How to Setup a Connection with SQL Server Database in Visual Studio

Understanding the Concept of Nested Classes in C#

LINQ To SQL Examples

A Beginner’s Tutorial on WPF in C#

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Everything about Tuples in C# and When to Use?

Creating Jagged Arrays in C#

Linear Search and Binary search in C#

Learning Indexers in C#

Object Initializers in C#

Examples of Static Constructors in C#

When should We Use Private Constructors?

C# Basic Examples

IEqualityComparer Interface


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