What are Spot Instances in AWS?

This article describes What are Spot Instances in AWS. Amazon EC2 Spot Instances are a cost-effective way to run applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. Spot Instances allow you to request spare Amazon EC2 computing capacity at a potentially lower price compared to On-Demand instances. The pricing for Spot Instances is determined by …


How to Create Permission Policies in AWS?

In this article, I will explain how to Create Permission Policies in AWS. In AWS, permission policies define what actions are allowed or denied on AWS resources. You can create permission policies using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). IAM allows you to define policies that specify permissions and attach those policies to IAM users, …


Boto3 and its Features

In this article, I will discuss Boto3 and its Features. Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python. It allows developers to write software that uses AWS services by providing Pythonic interfaces to interact with them. Here are some key features of Boto3. Comprehensive AWS Service Coverage: Boto3 supports a …


GetObject and PutObject Permissions in Amazon S3

In this article, I will discuss GetObject and PutObject Permissions in Amazon S3. In Amazon S3, the GetObject and PutObject permissions are crucial for controlling access to objects (files) stored within S3 buckets. These permissions are part of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) system, which allows you to define who can perform certain …

Combining Critical Thinking With Technology

Combining Critical Thinking with Technology

Combining critical thinking with technology can be a powerful approach to problem-solving, decision-making, and overall cognitive development. Here are some ways to integrate critical thinking skills with technology. Research and Information Gathering Teach individuals how to evaluate the reliability and credibility of online sources. Use search engines effectively and understand how to refine searches for …

Personal Development Apps

Personal Development Apps

Personal development apps are designed to help individuals enhance various aspects of their lives, including productivity, mental well-being, fitness, and overall self-improvement. These apps often incorporate features such as goal setting, habit tracking, educational content, and community support. Here are some popular personal development apps across different categories: Headspace: This meditation and mindfulness app offers …

How to Use Technology for Stress Relief

How to Use Technology for Stress Relief?

In this blog, I will discuss How to Use Technology for Stress Relief. Using technology for stress relief can be an effective way to incorporate modern tools into your wellness routine. Here are several ways to leverage technology for stress relief: 1. Mindfulness and Meditation Apps Examples: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer How to Use: Explore …


How to Create a To-Do List Using Streamlit?

In this blog, I will explain How to Create a To-Do List Using Streamlit. Creating a to-do list application using Streamlit is a great way to build a simple interactive task manager. In this example, I’ll guide you through creating a basic to-do list that allows users to add, edit, and mark tasks as completed. …


How to Create a Calculator Using StreamLit?

In this blog, I will explain How to Create a Calculator Using StreamLit. Creating a simple calculator using Streamlit is a great way to demonstrate how user input and interaction can be handled. In this example, I’ll show you how to build a basic calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can then …